
Explore 化学, ACS认证 bachelor's degree program at UW-Eau克莱尔

威斯康辛大学欧克莱尔的化学, ACS认证 program is designed for students interested in working as practicing chemists or a career in scientific research. The major is proudly certified by the American Chemical Society (ACS) and prepares graduates for immediate employment in government or industry labs as well as admission to graduate school.

根植于本科研究, 化学, ACS认证 major provides countless opportunities for experimentation and discovery. 除了研究嵌入式课程, faculty members within the department will regularly invite you to join their latest research projects — or encourage you to start your own. These unique opportunities allow you to use an impressive array of modern instrumentation, co-author manuscripts and work with experts from renowned organizations like Mayo Clinic Health System.

The curriculum throughout the major includes core courses in chemistry, 物理和数学, 有多种化学选修课可供选择. 课程主题包括化学分析, 无机化合物和反应, 力学, fundamentals of biochemistry and quantitative study of the physical properties of matter. A required capstone reinforces fundamental concepts and will improve your technical writing and laboratory skills.

无论你是去读研究生还是去工业界工作, 你离开威斯康辛大学欧克莱尔分校的时候就会准备好投入工作. 这个专业为研究生提供了很好的准备, 以及在广泛的行业中直接就业, 包括医疗保健, 药品, 农业, 营养和更多. 现实世界的经验, 出色的职业准备, and an impressive set of technical and communication skills continually set our graduates apart and allow them to excel in whatever they do. 


创新仪器和设施. The chemistry department at UW-Eau克莱尔 is home to a comprehensive suite of state-of-the-art instrumentation for chemical analysis — and you'll have direct access to it. 在这里你可以掌握一些专门的研究仪器, 包括一个x射线衍射仪, 光学低温恒温器, a jet-cooled expansion system and a supercomputing cluster (BGSC) — a high-performance computing system that provides resources that are on par with (or above) what is available at most major research institutions. 你也可以使用专门的实验室, 包括一个激光光谱实验室, 低温光谱实验室, 一个计算实验室和一个热分析实验室. 

研究的机会. The chemistry department has a long tradition of productive collaborative research partnerships between undergraduate students and faculty. These experiences often lead to published papers in peer-reviewed journals and presentations at regional, 国内和国际会议. Previous research projects have ranged from work on self-repairing LC displays on phones, TVs and monitor screens to mucin peptides and how they might be used as antigens against some cancers.

出色的职业准备. 作为一个化学专业的学生, 你会找到无数的实习机会, 研讨会, lectures and nationally funded summer research opportunities available to you. 这些经历可以让你探索职业道路, gain valuable career experience and work with experts in the chemical industry. A series of lectures by faculty and speakers from industry will introduce you to various chemical and related industries as well as career opportunities and their qualifications. 参与的公司包括Univar这样的组织, 伊科尔, Hydrite化学, 3M, 波士顿科学公司和雀巢美国公司.

屡获殊荣,敬业的教师队伍. 而在威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校, you'll learn from expert faculty who have a wealth of knowledge in — and passion for — chemistry. Our professors have received national recognition for supporting and mentoring students, currently hold 16 patents and work tirelessly to create high-impact learning opportunities for students. 事实上, 在过去的六年里, chemistry faculty have brought in over $2 million in external grant funds, 直接惠及澳门葡京网赌送彩金化学专业的学生. 

ACS认证. 该学位由美国化学学会自豪地认证, 这说明了课程的质量. The extra rigor and additional requirements found in a certified degree program — including the breadth and depth of curriculum, 教员的资格, 校园设施, the department instrumentation and the opportunities for students to conduct meaningful research — are highly regarded by potential employers and graduate schools.





  • 课程长度:四年
  • 提供:亲自
  • 校园:欧克莱尔
  • 这个专业不需要辅修.
  • Students majoring in this program may choose either a Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science (BS) degree.
  • 美国化学会学生协会
  • 材料研究学会
  • STEM中的女性和少数性别群体


The department of chemistry and biochemistry is approved by the American Chemical Society (ACS) to certify the ACS 化学 degrees.


The UW-Eau克莱尔 chemistry department is nationally recognized as one of the top undergraduate chemistry departments in the country. 所以我们的毕业生做大事也就不足为奇了. From working as a research technologist at Mayo Clinic to improving production at 3M to excelling as a lab technician at Berry Global, our graduates go on to work at renowned organizations all over the country. 


One of the reasons why I chose UW-Eau克莱尔 was because the research opportunities here are just amazing. It is beyond what's normal for a primary undergraduate institution, 化学系的研究选择是不可思议的. You have choices from inorganic to P-chem to organic synthesis to fluorescence. 我很喜欢. It would be one of my biggest recommendations for incoming students to join.

杰斯厄布洛德 化学,ACS认证


贯穿整个化学课程, ACS认证 program prepares students to function effectively and professionally as practicing chemists in graduate programs and/or in careers in government or industry labs. A variety of electives allow you to personalize your education and study the topics that most interest you. 



了解更多有关 comprehensive chemistry, ACS认证 major in the 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 course catalog.


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