

Turn your passion for music into a rewarding career with a bachelor’s degree in music from the 威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校.

As one of the largest undergraduate music programs in the region, we offer countless opportunities for learning and professional growth. Participate in one of the largest marching bands in the country, 加入我们众多的学生组织之一, 参加无伴奏合唱团, 出国留学, conduct music-related research alongside a faculty member or help run one of the biggest jazz festivals in the nation. 每年演出200多场, 你有很多机会表演, 体验新事物, 扩大你的社交网络,打造你的简历.

The renowned program was designed for students who have a strong interest in music but would like to combine it with other passions. 有了这个程序, 学生探索另一个专业, minor or certificate in another area of study — from psychology to history to business. Many students pursuing a major in music and combine it with one of our recording arts or arts administration certificates. 

No matter your path, here at UW-Eau克莱尔, you won't be just a number. 训练有素的, student-focused faculty will help you to develop your musical skills and find your niche. 通过独特的项目和任务, you'll gain a deeper understanding of the history and evolution of music. Dozens of guest artists who present to the department annually will offer special classes, 每年都有大师班和演出机会. And small class sizes allow for meaningful relationships and a more personalized education.


From the professors who teach you to the students who work alongside you, a love for music is not hard to find when you’re at UW-Eau克莱尔. 这种爱不仅仅局限于我们的校园. In fact, 欧克莱尔 is nationally recognized for its abundance of music festivals, events and venues. 

“The entire town is being driven by the arts and we are thoroughly integrated into the community,爵士乐研究主任罗伯特·巴卡说. "Community members are here all the time teaching us what's happening in the community and we're out there helping them as well.”

See what opportunities await you here in 欧克莱尔, Wisconsin. 


一个拥抱音乐的城市. The 欧克莱尔 community welcomes UW-Eau克莱尔 music students and invites them to become a part of the rich and vibrant music scene of 欧克莱尔. 在这里, you’ll have access to countless productions and on-stage experiences made possible thanks to our partnership with 巴勃罗中心的汇合. Discover the 欧克莱尔 Jazz Festival — the largest student-run festival in the nation — and the Viennese Ball, where music students like you provide the soundtrack to a night of Austrian specialties and Viennese waltzes.

领导经验. 在威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校, you will have opportunities to take on leadership roles in a number of productions, 比如由学生执导的长盛不衰的《澳门葡京网赌送彩金》." Or help manage one of 20 student clubs and organizations dedicated to celebrating music, 戏剧和舞蹈. 无论是在教室里, on stage or on the football field with the Blugold Marching Band, the chance to explore music and all it has to offer is within your reach.

获得实习机会. A departmental internship coordinator is available to help you line up valuable professional experiences, 比如欧克莱尔室内乐团, 奇佩瓦谷戏剧协会, 梅奥健康系统或埃克斯克莱尔节日. Experiences like these are excellent ways to learn new skills, explore job possibilities and expand your professional network. 

独一无二的空间. 澳门葡京网赌送彩金设有四个表演场地, 六间音乐教室, 36个练习室, 录音工作室, 音乐技术实验室, 一个数字钢琴实验室和几个排练室. We are also proud to partner with the 欧克莱尔 community's newest performance venue, 巴勃罗中心的汇合. This state-of-the-art facility hosts many 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 classes, rehearsals and performances.

旅行的机会. 音乐 majors regularly have the chance to travel domestically and internationally to interact and perform with other musicians. All of the major ensembles tour in the region annually and recent international trips have included performances in Australia, 新加坡, 葡萄牙和意大利. 

以学生为中心的教师和协作学习. UW-Eau克莱尔's outstanding faculty create a supportive and collaborative learning environment where you are the top priority. 在这里, you'll receive one-on-one attention and the chance to foster relationships with talented musicians that will continue long after graduation. 











  • 课程长度:四年
  • 提供:亲自
  • 校园:欧克莱尔
  • 这个专业需要辅修或证书.
  • 这个课程也可以作为辅修课程.
  • Students majoring in this program may choose either a Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science (BS) degree.
  • Blugold冒名顶替者
  • 单簧管工作室组织
  • 第五元素
  • 无辜的人
  • 福音唱诗班
  • 全国乐队协会大学分会
  • Phi Mu Alpha sinonia (PMA)
  • Sigma Alpha Iota (SAI)
  • 布卢戈尔德运动乐队  
  • 布鲁戈尔德军乐队 


All music degrees from UW-Eau克莱尔 have been accredited by the National Association of Schools of 音乐.


UW-Eau克莱尔's music majors are experiencing success all over the world. 毕业生继续为音乐学校工作, perform with renowned orchestras or start their own businesses. 拥有广泛的, well-rounded liberal education provides you with the flexibility to pick your own career path.




Being a part of UW-Eau克莱尔’s first-rate music program will give you the experience — and confidence — needed to tackle your future endeavors. A required minor or certificate in another area of study allows you to explore other passions and opens doors to even more career paths. 把你的音乐专业和戏剧艺术专业结合起来, a minor in business or a certificate in arts administration or the recording arts.  



了解更多有关 澳门葡京网赌送彩金课程目录中的音乐专业.

了解更多有关 澳门葡京网赌送彩金课程目录中的音乐辅修课程.


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我在考虑音乐学士学位? 这里还有一些你可能感兴趣的节目.




欧克莱尔, WI 54703